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March on Stress News

ISTSS annual meeting gets underway

Added on the 6th November 2014

The ISTSS (International Society for Traumatic Stress Studies) annual meeting gets underway in the US this week. The 30th annual meeting takes place in Miami and will be attended by March on Stress Director Professor Neil Greenberg.

Professor Greenberg is also the President of the UK Psychological Trauma Society (UKPTS), a member society of ESTSS (the European sister society of the ISTSS).

He said: “The role of the UKPTS is very important in bringing together trauma experts to share the most up to date and evidence-based trauma information and research.

“By working closely with our colleagues in both the ESTSS and ISTSS we are able to ensure we provide the very best to our members in terms of best practice, policy and events.”

March on Stress supports UKPTS members with discounted rates for TRiM training. For details and course dates please email us at

For more from UKPTS, including trauma management guidance and upcoming event details, please click here.

To visit the ISTSS website, please click here.

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Keywords : TRiM Training, TRiM Workplace Monitoring, Advanced Mentoring Skills, Building Business Resilience

Description : March on Stress have an eHealth Monitoring System that helps recognise the warning signs of PTSD, Stress and Trauma