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Crisis response


If a crisis strikes, March on Stress can provide immediate psychological and mental health support services for your organisation – including directly to employees.

All of our psychological support, advice and intervention options are based on the best available evidence, in line with the latest scientific research.

We are on hand to help you deal with either the psychological ‘aftermath’ to a significant incident, crisis, or trauma, or, indeed, to be involved as the incident unfolds and continues. This help can take the form of advice and support to senior management, line management, or support and treatment for those staff directly involved and their families and colleagues, including:


  • Leading Trauma Risk Management experts and Practitioners, familiar with deployment to crisis situations;
  • Trauma Risk Management Advice and training for leaders;
  • Psychiatric Assessment;
  • Awareness of coping strategies and reactions;
  • Clinical services, including Cognitive Behavioural Therapy and EMDR;
  • Psychological Monitoring.

After all, whether your organisation successfully recovers or not from a crisis situation will depend on the resilience of your staff, and supporting their mental health is key. Crises are likely to test how well your staff and, importantly, leaders react at a time when the quality of their actions is especially vital.

Additionally, we can, of course, help you to ensure your organisation is prepared in advance of a crisis. We can advise you about all aspects of crisis-related staff support that can be undertaken to build resilience before ’the worst’ happens.

For further details, please get in touch:

Crisis response – case studies

We have worked with a wide range of organisations, both within the UK and further afield, to provide crisis response. Please find some example case studies below. Although we don’t identify the companies involved, to protect privacy and security, these are real examples of crisis responses we have worked on in the past three years.

Terrorist incident

We worked with a large firm whose employees were involved in a terrorist incident in Africa. Fatalities and serious injuries occurred and survivors were undoubtedly traumatised by what happened. We conducted risk assessments with employees involved, gave practical information and advice to employees and to the employer and arranged clinical follow ups where necessary. Further follow ups were held and ongoing psychological checks continue with personnel based abroad.

Staff evacuation

We provided crisis response ‘in the field’ to a UK company with a site abroad which had to evacuate staff at short notice following a military coup and civil unrest. The speed and uncertainty of the situation made it very traumatic for those involved, some of whom were attacked and robbed during the unrest. One of our trauma experts met with those involved at a safe location and provided trauma incident briefings. Trauma risk management assessment interviews were then undertaken with the staff identified as potentially vulnerable as a result of the incident. During the course of these interviews, individuals were given personalised feedback and advice. A full report, together with follow-up information and recommendations, was provided to the client to ensure support in the months following the incident.

Remote support

We recently provided remote support in Asia, for employees detained by the authorities in the course of their work. This support included an initial consultation and interview via skype, followed by brief interventions and cognitive skills. This was a delicate situation but by providing this support remotely, we were able to help the organisation in providing clinical expertise at an early stage.

Working in high risk roles

We regularly provide direct clinical support to the employees of a security company. They refer their people to us following any crisis type incident (experienced in or out of the workplace). This has seen us provide clinical consultations in person and via skype, online psychological health checks through our Wellness service and trauma briefings to managers.




  • • We have clinical and trauma experts on hand to support your organisation
  • • We can deliver pre-deployment training to build resilience in staff, as well as ongoing monitoring if required and in-country training
  • • Contact us for pricing and booking


  • • Our support is of the highest calibre and always based upon the best available evidence

Page Loaded Date/Time : 2025-02-18 16:50:35

Keywords : TRiM Training, TRiM UK, TRiM Education, Sustaining Resilience at Work (StRaW)

Description : March on Stress have an eHealth Monitoring System that helps recognise the warning signs of PTSD, Stress and Trauma