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March on Stress News

Merry Christmas from March on Stress

Added on the 15th December 2014

We would like to take the opportunity to wish you all a very merry Christmas and happy and safe 2015.

Instead of sending Christmas cards this year, March on Stress has donated money to:

It's been another busy year for us and you'll find a round-up of some of our news below, as always please don’t hesitate to contact us if you have any queries at


Course Dates

Our next courses are taking place in Exeter in January 2015:

  • TRiM Practitioners – 26/27 January
  • TRiM Managers – 28/29 January
  • Advanced Mentoring Skills – 30 January

Click here for more details and booking.

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ESTSS accreditation for TRiM courses

The March on Stress TRiM Course has been granted accreditation from the European Society for Traumatic Stress Studies (ESTSS) towards its Certificate in Psychotraumatology.

Click here for more information and details of how this may benefit you.

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TRiM materials

You may not be aware, but we produce a number of TRiM leaflets and materials to support the TRiM process. These can be amended to include your corporate branding.

Contact us for details and pricing.

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Support for maritime personnel

We teamed up with Human Rights at Sea earlier this year to offer psychological support to seafarers. Read more here.

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StRaW introduced

We introduced our new workplace stress peer-support training StRaW (Sustaining Resilience at Work) this year. StRaW aims to prevent and detect occupational mental health issues and boost psychological resilience, providing psychological first aid in the workplace.

Click here for more information about StRaW


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Professor Greenberg in UKPTS presidency

March on Stress Director, Professor Neil Greenberg, became President of the UK Psychological Trauma Society (UKPTS) in April. The UKPTS is a great resource for continuous professional development. Visit their website here. Details of the UKPTS annual conference can be found in the events listings below.

Professor Greenberg also became an official advisor to Hostage UK and a trustee of Walking with the Wounded. He also continues to provide expert support to other good causes, including Help for Heroes.

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TRiM Standards

Have you read the TRiM Standards and Code of Conduct yet? These standards let you know what is required to stay in date as a TRiM Practitioner or Manager and are adhered to by TRiM training providers and endorsed by the UK military. Click here to view the standards and if you have any questions please drop us a line.

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March on Stress global!

We’ve undertaken more training abroad this year, delivering TRiM and trauma support as far afield as Uganda and the Ivory Coast. We continue to see interest from countries outside the UK, who are increasingly recognising the benefits of TRiM. We also welcomed our US Clinical Director, Mylea Charvet PhD.

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Dates for your diary

You may be interested in the following events coming up in the New Year:

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Page Loaded Date/Time : 2024-10-21 23:20:50

Keywords : TRiM UK Courses, Preventing PTSD, Psychological Support, TRiM BTEC Course

Description : March on Stress can help your business be better, and more resilient to the issues of Stress and Trauma