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March on Stress News

New guidance on caring for seafarer mental health

Added on the 14th September 2016

New guidance has been released to support seafarer mental health.

Authored by Professor Neil Greenberg, Managing Director of March on Stress and Professor of Defence Mental Health at King’s College London on behalf of Human Rights at Sea, the new publication, “Managing Traumatic Stress – Guidance for Maritime Organisations” aims to provide a top-level guidance to senior management to help improve the mental health of seafarers by providing education and evidence-based approaches within the maritime industry.

The guidance is being launched today – Wednesday 14 September - at the inaugural International Maritime Human Rights Conference in London, where Professor Greenberg will also be speaking.

A collaborative project, the guidance is published by The Nautical Institute in partnership with Human Rights at Sea, and as well as being available at today’s conference it is available through The Nautical Institute and Human Rights at Sea.

For futher information, please click here.

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Keywords : TRiM Education, eHealth Monitoring, Preventing PTSD, TRiM Workplace Monitoring

Description : March on Stress provide psychological counselling, ability to understand PTSD, and Trauma Management (TRiM)