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March on Stress News

TRiM - How to refresh your training

Added on the 11th August 2017

Once you have completed your two-day TRiM Practitioner course, you will have the skills and knowledge to practice TRiM within your organisation.

Some TRiM Practitioners will utilise their skills regularly by carrying out TRiM Risk Assessments, TRiM briefings and other TRiM-related activity. For others, perhaps in organisations where incidents are fewer or there are a larger number of Practitioners trained, TRiM trained staff may be called upon in their TRiM capacity less frequently.

Whether using TRiM regularly, or less frequently, it is important to ‘refresh’ training to ensure skills do not fade.

March on Stress subscribes to an established set of TRiM Standards and an accompanying TRiM Code of Conduct which outlines what is expected of those who are TRiM-trained, including Practitioners, Managers and Instructors. We are committed to promoting the Code of Conduct and Standards to our clients through training and consultancy, to ensure good and effective practice of TRiM. Establishing a TRiM network is often a significant investment for organisations and it is important to retain the quality of the training received with regular refreshing and relevant CPD (continuous professional development).

So how do you refresh your training?

TRiM Practitioners should be refreshed at least every two years. We advise a one-day refresher and this can be carried out by an in-date TRiM Manager. We train TRiM Managers to be able to deliver this refresher and provide a refresher powerpoint to assist. Practitioners are also able to attend the first day of our all comers TRiM Practitioner course as an option to refresh, or we can come to your organisation to refresh a group of Practitioners.

If you are a Practitioner using TRiM less frequently, which we define in the TRiM Standards as carrying out less than three TRiM Risk Assessments per year, an annual refresher is advised. As above, this can be carried out by an in-date TRiM Manager, or on one of our courses.

TRiM Managers should be refreshed every two years and can attend a March on Stress all comers course (we hold these approximately every three months) or we can come to your organisation for Manager refresher training.

To help you stay in date, we offer all our course delegates a TRiM CPD logbook, this enables you to record details of all your TRiM training, activity and attendance at CPD events. If you have been trained by us and are yet to receive a logbook, please get in touch and we will send you a copy. You can email us at or call us on 02392 706929.

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Keywords : PTSD, Advanced Mentoring Skills, Psychological Support, Diagnosing and helping those with PTSD

Description : March on Stress specialise in understand the effects of Trauma, Stress and PTSD on people