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March on Stress News

‘We need to do better at caring for the mental health of those affected by terrorism’

Added on the 22nd November 2018

Trauma expert and March on Stress Director, Professor Neil Greenberg, featured in The Independent on Wednesday, 21 November 2018, commenting on a new report into mental health support for those affected by terrorism.

The survey, reported on in the article, assessed the experiences of those caught up in terrorist attacks and 76 per cent of respondents said that NHS mental health care needed to be improved.

In addition to his comments in the article, Professor Greenberg said: “We need to do better at caring for the mental health of those affected by terrorism.”

Find the full article on The Independent website here.

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Keywords : Sustaining Resilience in the Workplace, Advanced Mentoring Skills, PTSD Workplace Monitoring, TRiM Workplace Monitoring

Description : March on Stress provide clinical support with TRiM courses and BTEC