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March on Stress News

March on Stress newsletter - December 2018

Added on the 20th December 2018

Welcome to our December news round up! We have saved up our news this year to provide this slightly bumper edition and hope you find the information below useful.

Thank you to our fabulous clients and friends who have enabled the team to have a truly enjoyable year as we continue to support organisations and individuals with improving mental health in the workplace.

We will once again make a donation to charity, instead of sending Christmas cards, and this year we are proud to support two fantastic charities –Alzheimer’s Society and Walking with the Wounded.

We would like to take this opportunity to wish you a wonderful and safe Christmas and New Year, and we look forward to supporting and working with you in 2019.

Warmest wishes, The March on Stress Team

Latest news!

2018 – Review in brief

It has been a fantastically busy and varied year for March on Stress. Here are some facts and figures from the year to highlight what we have been up to!

  • 975 TRiM personnel trained in locations around the world including the UK, Delhi, Iraq, Cairo, Kenya and Dubai
  • 363 StRaW personnel trained in the UK, Australia, the US and Canada
  • 167 patients supported by the March on Stress clinical team
  • Hundreds of beneficiaries supported through the Wellness Psychological Health Monitoring Service
  • New personnel – we are delighted to have welcomed Lynn Tong to our clinical administration team in July this year. Read more about Lynn and the rest of our team on the website here.
  • New March on Stress office – we moved to a new office in April this year, still based in Ferndown, Dorset, our new office provides more space for our expanding administration and business development team, as well as office dog Solo!
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    CPD opportunities – including future March on Stress conference

    As per the TRiM and StRaW code of conduct and standards, we actively encourage our course delegates to undertake continuous professional development (CPD) where possible. With that in mind, plans are afoot for the next March on Stress conference towards the end of 2019. If you would like to be kept informed of details as they are confirmed, please let us know and we will add you to our conference mailing list.

    Here are some other recommended sources for relevant CPD news and events:

    UK Psychological Trauma Society

    European Society for Traumatic Stress Studies

    Society of Occupational Medicine

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    New NICE guidelines

    New guidelines on post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) have been published by NICE – the National Institute for Health and Care Excellence. Our Director, Professor Neil Greenberg, was one of the experts on the development committee for the guidelines. Read more and access the guidelines here.

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    TRiM course dates 2019

    Join us on a TRiM course in 2019! We have a small number of spaces left on our January courses and are pleased to confirm further dates for April. Additional dates will be confirmed soon for July, please keep an eye on our website for updates or get in touch.

    Confirmed TRiM dates

    29th-30th January 2019: Two-day TRiM Practitioner course in London

    31st Jan-1st February 2019: Two-day TRiM Manager course in London

    2nd-3rd April 2019: Two-day TRiM Practitioner course in Exeter

    4th-5th April 2019: Two-day TRiM Manager course in Exeter

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    TRiM refresher training

    Don’t forget that if it has been two years or more since your TRiM training, you will be due a refresher. An in-date TRiM Manager in your organisation can provide this, please get in touch with them to find out more. Your TRiM CPD logbook is the best way to record your TRiM training, refreshers and other relevant CPD (continuous professional development). If you have attended our training and not received a copy of the logbook (which is an electronic document), then please get in touch. For more info on TRiM refreshers, please contact us.

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    StRaW® continues to roll out in organisations across the UK and beyond

    It has been a fantastic year for training StRaW (Sustaining Resilience at Work) Practitioners and Managers. After initial courses in 2017, we continued training with mining giant Rio Tinto at sites in Canada and the US.

    In addition, we conducted a StRaW pilot within the criminal justice system in Australia. The initial independent evaluation of the training was very positive and the programme will be more fully evaluated in due course.

    Closer to home, Her Majesty’s Passport Office (HMPO) has continued StRaW implementation with the peer support programme established in all HMPO locations in just six months. We have really enjoyed working with Ed House and his team at HMPO to train a number of Practitioners and Managers this year and were delighted to hear they were nominated for a national HMPO award for their work in establishing StRaW in the organisation.

    We were also delighted that StRaW champion Davina Macdonald Russell, who implemented StRaW in the Home Office before moving to a new role this year with BMT Defence & Security UK, spoke alongside Professor Neil Greenberg at the first ‘This Can Happen’ conference in September. The mental health conference was a significant event, bringing together experts, organisations and royalty (Prince William attended and took part in panel discussions) to focus on the importance of mental health at work.

    StRaW is a psychological first aid programme, if you want to know how its evidence base sets it apart from other mental health at work training, please contact us and we would be happy to discuss and give more information.

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    StRaW all comers dates

    We carry out most of our StRaW training at organisations, but we also hold all comers courses every few months. Dates are being finalised for 2019, with the next StRaW Practitioner course due to be held in May 2019. Please get in touch for more details and to be informed when dates are confirmed.

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    New role at Royal College of Psychiatrists for March on Stress Director

    Our Managing Director, Professor Neil Greenberg, was elected as the Chair of the Royal College of Psychiatrists Special Interest Group in Occupational Psychiatry in October. Read more here.

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    Support for the Veterinary community - blog by Clinician Darren Humphrey

    Our Senior Clinician, Darren Humphrey, wrote about his work for the Vetlife Health Support Service, a clinical service that March on Stress provides to the veterinary community on behalf of charity Vetlife. Read about Darren and his work as part of this service here.

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    Reading list

    Did you know, we aim to highlight research and articles of interest on our website, we file links under our TRiM research page and on our other links section.

    In addition, we add stories to our web news and twitter including research updates, so if you don’t already, follow us on twitter for our news and updates! @marchonstress

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    Christmas & New Year office hours

    Please note we will operate with reduced staffing between Christmas Eve and Monday 7th January 2019, with the office closed from the afternoon of Christmas Eve until 27th December. If you need us during this time, please do get in touch and we will respond as soon as we can.

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Page Loaded Date/Time : 2025-02-18 16:02:30

Keywords : PTSD Advisory Service, TRiM BTEC Course, Psychological Support, TRiM Training course

Description : March on Stress specialise in understand the effects of Trauma, Stress and PTSD on people