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March on Stress News

COVID 19 Update from March on Stress 17 March 2020

Added on the 17th March 2020

Further update as of 9am, 17th March 2020.

We will currently not be postponing our courses as rather than ‘non-essential social contact’, we consider them not only important but, in many instances essential in terms of protecting people’s mental health. This is arguably even more so at a time like this.

If our clients wish to postpone their courses based on this latest update from the Government, we will remain as flexible as possible – as we have been previously during this situation. We will, of course, continue to monitor Government advice and, should they in future advise against all gatherings – both social and professional – we will revisit this decision.

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Keywords : TRiM Workplace Monitoring, PTSD Recruitment Checks, TRiM UK Courses, TRiM Training

Description : March on Stress specialise in understand the effects of Trauma, Stress and PTSD on people