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March on Stress News

Inpatient Mental Health ward manager speaks about introducing TRiM

Added on the 19th May 2020

We were delighted to read a piece in Nursing Times Magazine from James White of Langdon Hospital in Devon, on the introduction of TRiM to his trust.

James and his colleagues undertook March on Stress TRiM training in 2019, before rolling out the process to the Trust, and are boosting their TRiM team further with upcoming TRiM Manager training planned.

James said: “The trust I work for has recently implemented TRiM (Trauma Risk Management) – a peer-delivered programme of risk assessment and ongoing support designed to help people who have experienced a traumatic event.

“Staff feedback so far has been good overall, with the peer-led element of the programme being particularly popular. This is a new process for us, but changing the culture of our environment from focusing on the organisation and patient care to also considering the well-being of staff, has been positively embraced.

“Now that we have a greater understanding of how trauma affects staff, I hope we will put as much emphasis on using evidence based interventions to maintain the well-being of NHS staff as we do for patients.

“In the future, we also hope to extend the TRiM approach to other services we work with, such as the police, general healthcare trusts and the ambulance service, so we can have a joined-up response when responding to traumatic events.

“We must always remember that to look after our patients, we must look after ourselves. We have a responsibility to keep ourselves and each other safe by working collaboratively, communicating effectively, valuing every member of staff and celebrating our diversity of experience.”

The full article from James is available to subscribers on the Nursing Standard website here.

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Keywords : Building Business Resilience, Crisis Management, TRiM BTEC Course, Organisational Resilience

Description : March On Stress, a UK company providing psychological support, TRiM courses and TRiM BTEC