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March on Stress News

September news update for StRaW personnel

Added on the 9th September 2020


We are really pleased to confirm we have a new qualification available with our StRaW courses.

Our StRaW BTEC level 3 is available to in date (trained or refreshed in the past two years) StRaW Practitioners and Managers. Going forward, it will be included in course prices, those already trained can contact us for pricing details.

The qualification is a customised BTEC and sits on the Pearson self-regulated framework. It involves completing a post-course assignment, with a series of questions and a case study based upon the content of the training.

The qualification offers an excellent opportunity to StRaW personnel to further enhance their learning from the StRaW training.

For more details or to register, please contact us.

StRaW Managers course

Did you know StRaW Managers training is now one day instead of two if completed within one year of Practitioner training? Part of the StRaW Managers course includes how to refresh your StRaW Practitioners and overseeing your StRaW personnel, as well as information to deliver StRaW and mental health at work briefings within your organisation.

StRaW Practitioners and Managers should be refreshed every two years (or sooner if not much StRaW is being practiced) For more details please click here for the StRaW Code of Conduct and Standards.

StRaW training dates

We have added new StRaW all comers dates for November 2020, with the courses due to take place in London although we will continue to monitor covid restrictions and move the course to remote delivery if required.

17th-18th November 2020 – Two-day StRaW Practitioners course

19th November 2020 – One-day StRaW Managers* course

*StRaW Managers must first be trained at StRaW Practitioner level, to complete the one-day Managers course you should have been trained at Practitioner level in the previous year.

Please get in touch for more details. We also offer public sector/charity discounted rates.

StRaW research

In case you missed it, a paper was published on StRaW back in September 2019. It found positive effects of StRaW training on Practitioners’ ability to support colleagues and maintain their own psychological well-being. Results also indicated that peer support programs in the workplace may improve employees’ well-being and relationships between employees.

You can read the full research paper here.


REACTMH training has been included within the StRaW Practitioner course for the last few years. As you likely are aware, it’s a tool to help supervisors/colleagues to have ‘psychologically savvy’ and supportive conversations with a colleague about their mental health. There’s very good evidence that many distressed people may not appreciate that they are struggling, or if they do know they may not want, or be able, to seek help.

Being able to speak with a supportive supervisor is especially useful for team members who are dealing with repeated exposure to potentially traumatic events (PTEs) or working in stressful environments. It is particularly relevant during the COVID 19 pandemic.

As well as its inclusion in our StRaW (and TRiM) training, we have also been working with NHS England to deliver short REACTMH specific sessions to supervisors. Bookings are co-ordinated by NHS England directly, although we can and do also work with organisations to deliver the training. The NHS courses are currently planned to run into October 2020, so for NHS personnel looking for a REACTMH refresher this may be a good opportunity.

We also offer a longer ‘REACT PLUS’ training option and a Train the Trainer REACT session for those organisations with StRaW or TRiM already in place. Contact us at for details.

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Keywords : Organisational Resilience, Psychological Support, Building Business Resilience, Straw (Sustaining Resilience at Work)

Description : March on Stress can help your business understand the stress and trauma your people go through