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March on Stress News

March on Stress newsletter - December 2020

Added on the 21st December 2020

We are so pleased to have been able to be actively involved in providing mental health support to so many people across the UK and overseas during the last year – through our evidence-based training programmes, TRiM responses and clinical case work.

We are indebted to all our key workers and proud to work with so many of you.

This year we have made our Christmas charity donation to Mind. Wishing you and your families a safe Christmas.

Best wishes, The March on Stress Team

Latest news

2020 – Review in brief

It has been a busy year for the team…

  • Our clinical team has supported 209 new patients and we have seen a further increase in the number of organisations using our clinical services.
  • Just under 800 new TRiM personnel and 260 new StRaW personnel have been trained since the start of the year.
  • We have continued to provide support through the March on Stress Wellness service
  • Over 1,700 personnel trained in REACTMH – psychological conversation training
  • We hosted the second March on Stress conference back in February, it was a brilliant opportunity to hear from expert speakers and to meet so many of you

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Moral Injury

‘Moral injury’ may be something you have heard more about this year and we discussed this concept in our summer news update. The evidence about the potential impact of moral injury on mental health has grown and although it is a topic that is currently very relevant to healthcare workers, it also applies to employees in many other settings. As such we are pleased to be able to offer a module on moral injury within our training offerings.

To understand more about this important topic, please take a look at this article from Professor Greenberg which featured in a recent MDU publication.

A further useful reference to the subject has been produced by King’s College London – in this short video.

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Working remotely

Despite the challenges this year has brought, we are really pleased to have been able to continue to deliver training remotely. It has also enabled organisations in further afield locations to continue to support their people. Our training team have worked through the night on occasions to accommodate local time zones across the globe when delivering StRaW and TRiM training!

We have also welcomed delegates onto our all comers courses from around the world. We look forward to travelling again in the future but in the meantime are really happy to help and support those of you outside the UK in a remote capacity. While we do continue to recommend, offer and provide face to face training, we can also offer remote options to our UK based clients, get in touch for more details.

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Upcoming courses

Part of our shift to remote courses has included our most recent all comers training, which for the time being remains as a remotely delivered option.

Here are the current dates and details – please get in touch for bookings or to enquire about further dates.

  • 26th-27th January 2021 – TRiM Practitioners course (course nearly full)
  • 28th-29th January 2021 – TRiM Managers course (course provisionally full)
  • 2nd-3rd February 2021 – TRiM Managers course
  • 2nd-3rd March 2021 – StRaW Practitioners course
  • 4th March 2021 – StRaW Managers course
  • 23rd-24th March 2021 – TRiM Practitioners course
  • 25th-26th March 2021 – TRiM Managers course

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REACTMH feedback

We were so pleased with recent feedback from some of our REACTMH (mental health conversations training) sessions for the NHS. The pilot evaluation study showed that after a short REACTMH training intervention (60 minutes) – the confidence of participants in having mental health conversations rose from 44.8% who said they were confident in recognising, speaking with and/or supporting a potentially distressed colleague pre-training to 84.8% being confident one month post-training.

We have had lots of positive comments and anecdotal feedback from our recent training so it is great to see the further evidence coming through to bolster the work we are doing in this area.

We continue to learn and adapt our REACT offerings to best meet our client needs, while ensuring they remain in line with the evidence – from short training interventions of 90 minutes to half day sessions. Get in touch.

for more details on REACTMH.

REACTMH has proved to be an effective standalone tool to ensure broad awareness and practice across organisations, however it is no substitute for a full peer support programme (TRiM or StRaW®) and ideally is a compliment to this more in depth training.

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Reflective Practice

We undertook a number of workshops this year, to help leaders to facilitate ‘Reflective Practice’ sessions, using evidence-based methods.

Reflective practice sessions provide an opportunity for teams that have been undertaking highly challenging work to reflect on what they, and their colleagues, have been doing and the psychological and emotional impact of the work on both individuals and the teams they work in.

These sessions may be particularly useful within organisations whose staff are at risk of moral injuries including healthcare, social care and emergency services staff.

If you would like more details about the workshops and whether they may be suitable for your organsiation, please get in touch.

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Quarantine and mental health

Quarantine seems to be one of those words that has become overly familiar in 2020 – alongside newly common terms like lockdown, social distancing, unprecedented, and Zoom! In this podcast from The Royal College of Psychiatrists, Professor Greenberg talks about ‘the psychology of coping with quarantine’, certainly an interesting listen:

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A quick reminder that our StRaW BTEC went live this year! The BTEC Level 3 is a great opportunity to further the learning from attending the StRaW course. More details are available here.

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TRiM video

In case you missed it in our summer news update – we shared this short summary of TRiM in this video featuring Professor Greenberg:

You are most welcome to share among colleagues or to use on TRiM intranet sites or at staff briefings.

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Protecting the psychological health of healthcare professionals

Professor Greenberg spoke at a British Medical Association (BMA) conference in July 2020 – on the important topic of how to protect the psychological health of healthcare professionals. You can watch Neil’s presentation in full here:

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March on Stress team changes

We saw some changes to our clinical team in 2020 and were delighted to welcome our new clinician Kim Mulley and our new clinical administrator Anna Stillwell. Both of whom bring a wealth of experience to bolster our busy Clinical services. We are also really pleased to welcome Lea Carroll to our office team, Lea is helping to support our busy business development and operations teams.

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Christmas and New Year office hours

Please note, we will operate with reduced staffing between Monday 21st December and Monday 4th January 2021, with the office closed on the bank holidays. If you need us during the festive period, please email and, while responses may be a little more delayed than usual, we will get back to you as soon as possible.

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Page Loaded Date/Time : 2024-10-21 23:20:54

Keywords : TRiM BTEC Course, Sustaining Resilience at Work (StRaW), TRiM Training, PTSD Recruitment Checks

Description : March on Stress have an eHealth Monitoring System that helps recognise the warning signs of PTSD, Stress and Trauma