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March on Stress News

‘Mental wellbeing must become a strategic business aim’

Added on the 17th August 2021

An interesting piece discussing mental wellbeing in the workplace from HR expert Iain Fraser, mentions Trauma Risk Management (TRiM) as a useful tool.

The author discusses how psychological health needs to be adopted at all levels within an organisation, not just by HR.

This is a view endorsed by March on Stress Managing Director, Professor Neil Greenberg.

Professor Greenberg says: “Extensive research shows that resilience often lies between, rather than within, individuals. Furthermore, good leadership is shown to have an important impact on wellbeing at work. It makes good sense for organisations to support their people and while HR and occupational health teams have a very important role, having good and evidence-based peer support systems in place can foster and boost team resilience.”

The full article from People Management is available here.

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Keywords : eHealth Monitoring, TRiM UK Courses, Organisational Resilience, Psychological Support

Description : March on Stress specialise in understand the effects of Trauma, Stress and PTSD on people