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March on Stress News

Implementing TRiM in a hospital setting

Added on the 20th October 2021

The team at Northampton General Hospital NHS Trust have written an insightful account into the set-up of their ‘Supporting Our Staff (SOS)’ service, which provides psychological peer support to staff using the Trauma Risk Management (TRiM) model, trained by March on Stress.

The article, written by Moya Flaherty and Victoria O’Neil from Northampton Hospital, describes how the SOS service was developed and expanded and how the TRiM model was implemented.

Here at March on Stress, we have really enjoyed working with the excellent Northampton Team to train their TRiM personnel and provide ongoing support. We were delighted for them when their hard work was recognised earlier this year, with them winning Health and Wellbeing Employer of the Year, at the Our Health Heroes Awards, for its staff wellbeing during COVID-19 and beyond.

The full article ‘Psychological peer support for staff: implementing the Trauma Risk Management model in a hospital setting’ is available from Nursing Management, here.

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Keywords : TRiM BTEC Course, Advanced Mentoring Skills, Diagnosing and helping those with PTSD, Straw (Sustaining Resilience at Work)

Description : March on Stress have an eHealth Monitoring System that helps recognise the warning signs of PTSD, Stress and Trauma