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March on Stress News

March on Stress newsletter – December 2021

Added on the 17th December 2021

It has been another rollercoaster year and, once again, it has been an absolute privilege for us to work with so many of those who have been on the frontline, whether fighting covid or keeping all of the other essential services we sometimes take for granted up and running. Our sincere thanks go to all those we work with who champion mental health within their organisations and share our belief that anyone in psychological distress deserves access to the right, evidence-based support and care in the workplace. One of the positives to come out of another tough year is an increased focus on occupational mental health in many organisations – and we will continue to work with our clients across all sectors to meet the challenge of sustaining this focus.

For the March on Stress team, we are very proud that the year has ended on another positive – a team award from the Society of Occupational Medicine. You can read more about that below, plus a recap of some news and information from the past year that we hope you might find useful, including: new literature from the Royal College of Psychiatrists on coping after traumatic events; a detailed and thought-provoking piece on moral injury; an article on implementing TRiM in a hospital setting; information and links about other useful services such as reflective practice, psychological monitoring; and upcoming course dates.

This year we have once again made our Christmas charity donation to Mind. We wish you and your loved ones a healthy and happy festive period and look forward positively to 2022.

Best wishes,

The March on Stress Team

Latest news

2021 – Review in brief
  • Our Vetlife health support service, providing mental health support for the charity Vetlife, expanded and also now provides expert support to the Irish Veterinary Benevolent Fund.
  • Our clinical team had a new TV role – not on the screen but rather in a valuable support role behind the scenes where they provided practical skills and knowledge for contestants of a high profile reality show to support their mental health. We work with a number of media organisations, and it is great to see the support offered to staff and show contributors continue to increase.
  • During an extremely difficult time after withdrawal from Afghanistan in August, we were pleased to be able support clients to support their people, in challenging and often traumatic circumstances.
  • We delivered a programme of REACTMH ‘train the trainer’ training to NHS England and Improvement, with more than 400 trainers trained across almost 200 NHS Trusts.

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March on Stress honoured at SOM awards

We are delighted to have been awarded the 2021 ‘Outstanding Occupational Health Initiative Award’ ¬– by the Society of Occupational Medicine (SOM) at a ceremony held in London earlier this month.

The award is in recognition of two March on Stress initiatives – the operational support to the NHS through the delivery of REACTMH® training over the last year and the March on Stress clinical service that is run for the charity Vetlife.

Read more here.

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New literature from Royal College of Psychiatrists

After exposure to a traumatic event, it’s often helpful to understand what might happen psychologically, what to do about it and where to seek help.

March on Stress Managing Director, Professor Neil Greenberg, was the expert editor on the updated Royal College of Psychiatrists (RCPsych) leaflet on coping after traumatic events.

The leaflet is available now on the RCPsych website, along with many other useful links and expert advice.

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Implementing TRiM in a hospital setting

The team at Northampton General Hospital NHS Trust have written an insightful account into the set-up of their ‘Supporting Our Staff (SOS)’ service, which provides psychological peer support to staff using the Trauma Risk Management (TRiM) model, trained by March on Stress.

The article, written by Moya Flaherty and Victoria O’Neil from Northampton Hospital, describes how the SOS service was developed and expanded and how the TRiM model was implemented.

Here at March on Stress, we have really enjoyed working with the excellent Northampton Team to train their TRiM personnel and provide ongoing support. We were delighted for them when their hard work was recognised earlier this year, with them winning Health and Wellbeing Employer of the Year, at the Our Health Heroes Awards, for its staff wellbeing during COVID-19 and beyond.

The full article ‘Psychological peer support for staff: implementing the Trauma Risk Management model in a hospital setting’ is available from Nursing Management, here.

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REACTMH® research

In case you missed it, the first research into the REACTMH training model was published earlier this year.

The study surveyed healthcare managers who had taken part in a REACTMH training session (learning how to have a psychologically informed conversation), comparing their responses before and after completing the training. Around three-quarters of attendees reported the REACTMH programme as highly useful, highly important and said they had frequently used the skills learned.

The study concluded that a brief active listening skills training package was associated with significant improvements in healthcare manager’s confidence in recognising, speaking with and supporting healthcare workers.

The full study is available here.

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Training in the time of covid

At the outset of the pandemic, we moved much of our training online, delivering ‘live’ training via remote software. As time rolls on and the waves of the pandemic continue, we are pleased to be running lots of training back in the classroom face to face, with covid measures in place accordingly.

Our remote training also continues apace, with consistently good feedback. We will continue to work with our clients to meet local needs and are happy to discuss the options available for training going forward if now is the time to think about further training or refresher options for your organisation.

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Psychological Monitoring – Wellness service

Our Wellness service has continued to support a range of organisations this year. The service utilises evidence-based online psychological questionnaires and is used by our clinical team in a number of ways, including monitoring the mental health of those working in difficult or remote locations and prior to full clinical assessment. Find out more by getting in touch with our clinical team.

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‘Between the devil and the deep sea, there lies moral injury’

Professor Neil Greenberg has worked closely with NHS England & Improvement and Public Health England during the past 18 months of the Covid-19 pandemic, even winning an award from the Royal College of Psychiatrists earlier this year.

In this article for Semicolon, he discusses in excellent clarity the concept of ‘Moral Injury’. Importantly, he also provides advice and information on how to make a difference in alleviating moral injury.

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Reflective Practice

We have continued to run ‘Reflective Practice’ sessions over the last 12 months.

These sessions provide an opportunity for teams that have been undertaking highly challenging work to reflect on what they, and their colleagues, have been doing and the psychological and emotional impact of the work on both individuals and the teams they work in. They may be particularly useful within organisations whose staff are at risk of moral injuries including healthcare, social care and emergency services staff.

If you would like more details about the workshops and whether they may be suitable for your organisation, please get in touch.

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Upcoming courses

Our upcoming ‘all comers’ course dates are live on the March on Stress website here.

We run StRaW® and TRiM all comers courses every few months, and these are an excellent option if you are looking to train just one or two people at a time. For more information, please get in touch.

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Welcome to the team

Our team has been boosted this year with the arrival of great new colleagues Zoé Brooke and Alex Gibson. Alex has taken over as Clinical Services Manager while Zoé has joined our Operations Team in a new role as Operations Manager. You can find out more about the March on Stress team here.

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Christmas and New Year office hours

Please note, we will operate with reduced staffing between Friday 24th December and Tuesday 4th January 2022, with the office closed on the bank holidays. If you need us during the festive period, please email and, while responses may be a little more delayed than usual, we will get back to you as soon as possible.

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Page Loaded Date/Time : 2024-10-21 23:20:55

Keywords : Diagnosing and helping those with PTSD, Sustaining Resilience in the Workplace, TRiM Training course, Crisis Management

Description : March on Stress provide clinical support with TRiM courses and BTEC