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March on Stress News

‘Listening managers’ improves work performance

Added on the 20th June 2023

A review paper (first issued in 2021) shows that having ‘listening managers’ improves work performance.

The paper – ‘A meta-analytic systematic review and theory of perceived listening and job outcomes (performance, relationship quality, affect, and cognition)’ is due to be published in the Journal of Business and Psychology, it is currently available here.

It conducts a comprehensive analysis of the association between listening and work outcomes and includes reference to previous research on REACTMH®.

REACTMH is a tool, developed by experts at March on Stress, which aims to help supervisors to have psychologically informed and supportive conversations with a colleague about their mental health. A previous study into REACTMH found that a brief active listening skills training package was associated with significant improvements in healthcare manager’s confidence in recognising, speaking with and supporting healthcare workers.

For more on REACTMH, please click here or contact us at

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Keywords : Psychological Wellness, TRiM Advisory Service, Diagnosing and helping those with PTSD, Building Business Resilience

Description : March on Stress specialise in understand the effects of Trauma, Stress and PTSD on people