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March on Stress News

TRiM for blue light services

Added on the 9th August 2023

TRiM was in the news this week, after South East Coast Ambulance Service (Secamb) secured investment to boost its Trauma Risk Management (TRiM) programme.

The service has had TRiM in place for some time, with a committed TRiM team providing support for Secamb personnel.

As well as being used in ambulance services around the UK, TRiM is in place in many other blue light organisations (fire and police). Additionally, TRiM is widely used across other industries where personnel may encounter trauma in the course of their work, for example in government and local government, media, security services and transport and infrastructure.

Having a peer support system such as TRiM within a trauma-exposed organisation is an excellent method of staff support, and is in keeping with NICE guidance (National Institute for Health and Care Excellence), which recommends a period of active monitoring following a traumatic, or potentially traumatic, event.

TRiM Practitioners, who are non-medical personnel, are trained to understand the effects that traumatic events can have upon people. They are not counsellors or therapists, but understand confidentiality and are able to listen and offer practical advice and assistance.

With the support of trained TRiM Managers, as well as leadership support, TRiM has been seen to be an effective method of support and is backed by a wealth of evidence.

Professor Neil Greenberg, March on Stress Director, said: “It is great that organisations like Secamb are supporting the investment of staff support. Having an evidence-based system of peer support in place, along with good leadership, can make all the difference in a workplace, to keep people mentally healthy and functioning.”

For more information about TRiM and how it could help in your organisation, please contact us at

Page Loaded Date/Time : 2024-10-21 23:20:55

Keywords : Straw (Sustaining Resilience at Work), Organisational Resilience, PTSD Workplace Monitoring, Crisis Management

Description : March on Stress provide psychological counselling, ability to understand PTSD, and Trauma Management (TRiM)