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A new paper in the Journal of Occupational Health has reviewed working from home – with March on Stress Managing Director Professor Neil Greenberg part of the research team and one of the study’s authors.
The study ‘Experiences of working from home: umbrella review’ looked at findings of a number of studies into homeworking, and focuses on the themes of working environment, personal impact, and health.
Professor Greenberg said: “The results highlight the importance of retaining flexibility whilst homeworking for employees, managers, and organisations. Individual circumstances and personal contexts mean that a “one-size-fits all” approach to the management of working from home is not fit for purpose.”
The study is available here.
There is also more on the study in this Guardian article.
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Keywords : PTSD Recruitment Checks, TRiM Workplace Monitoring, Breaking Bad News, Psychological Wellness
Description : March on Stress specialise in understand the effects of Trauma, Stress and PTSD on people