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March on Stress News

Military mental health expert knighted

Added on the 7th January 2013

March on Stress is delighted to congratulate Professor Simon Wessely, a leading researcher into military mental health, on receiving a knighthood in HM The Queen’s New Year's Honours list.   Professor Sir Simon Wessely is the Head of the department of psychological medicine at the Institute of Psychiatry, King's College London and a Director of the King's Centre for Military Health Research. Professor Wessely has worked alongside our very own Professor Neil Greenberg, also an academic psychiatrist at King’s.   Neil commented: “As far as I am concerned, this knighthood is wonderful news and I am delighted that Her Majesty will be bestowing such a well deserved award. I have joined a long line of well wishers who have congratulated Sir Simon on his achievement. Sir Simon has been at the forefront of military mental health research for many years now and I am in no doubt that a very wide range of people who work in highly challenging environments have benefited from the outstanding work he has done to date.   "High profile recognition like this for Sir Simon can only be good news for the future of mental health research – as well as for those who suffer from PTSD and other mental health issues, both in the military and after they leave.”

Read more about Professor Sir Simon Wessely's knighthood on the BBC News Website.

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Keywords : Advanced Mentoring Skills, TRiM Training, Hostage Situations, TRiM Advisory Service

Description : March on Stress provide psychological counselling, ability to understand PTSD, and Trauma Management (TRiM)