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March on Stress News

March on Stress newsletter – December 2022

Added on the 19th December 2022

It’s that time of the year again for a roundup of our news and highlights from the past twelve months…

We feel privileged to have worked with so many of you again this year and are looking forward to seeing lots of you in person at our upcoming conference in February!

Undoubtedly times continue to be challenging, particularly for our healthcare clients, for whom the difficulties of Covid, and its impacts, remains further compounded by old and new challenges and uncertainty. However, more positively there has been so much good work happening in so many workplaces to prioritise staff’s mental health and support. We very much hope this remains a priority going forward and the March on Stress team will continue to do our best to assist you, and your organisations, to support your most valuable assets – your people.

This year we have made our Christmas charity donation to Mind. Wishing you and your loved ones a healthy and happy festive period and a positive and peaceful 2023 for all.

Best wishes,

The March on Stress Team

Latest news

2022 – Review in brief
  • New guidelines on mental health at work were published by the World Health Organisation.
  • The fabulous NHS TRiM network has continued to grow and work together to boost TRiM support in a number of NHS Trusts.
  • The next March on Stress conference has been announced to take place on 28th February 2023 in London.
  • We were proud to support the Ukraine military with TRiM training for a team of their medical personnel in September 2022.
  • New research exploring moral injury, has been published in 2022, with one study exploring the experiences of healthcare workers and a study into the experiences of veterinary professionals.

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Date for your diary - Changing Landscapes: Mental Health at Work

The next March on Stress conference – 'Changing Landscapes: Mental Health at Work’ takes place in London on 28th February 2023.

The event will include a range of expert speakers and topics about mental health at work, with a focus on how the current climate and new learning and research is shaping how we best support people in the workplace.

Confirmed speakers include the current President of the Society of Occupational Medicine, Dr Shriti Pattani; child trauma expert Dr David Trickey; President of the UK Psychological Trauma Society, Dr Dominic Murphy; Senior Associate Employment Solicitor, Ryan Bradshaw; as well as our own Managing Director and trauma and PTSD specialist, Professor Neil Greenberg.

Recently added to the speaking line-up are Dr Rosie Allister from Vetlife; Claire Hoggart and Caisi Byrnes from Her Majesty’s Prison and Probation Service; Moya Flaherty from Northampton NHS Trust; and Major Amos Simms from King’s College London.

The event will run from 0900 to 1630 on 28th February 2023 at 10 Union Street, near London Bridge.

More than 70% tickets are sold so don’t miss out! Details and bookings here.

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NHS network ‘Light up for TRiM’

Between 21st and 25th November 2022 a number of NHS Trust buildings were lit up in blue to highlight the importance of trauma support.

The campaign was the brainchild of the NHS TRiM (Trauma Risk Management) network.

The network was established by TRiM leads, trained by March on Stress, from University Hospitals of Leicester NHS Trust and Royal United Bath NHS Trust and has grown to now comprise some 18 NHS Trusts, working together to share learning, information and best practice across NHS organisations.

A fantastic group, it has been excellent to see the network go from strength to strength – we are genuinely honoured to work with these inspiring champions for mental health.

Read more about their Light up for TRiM campaign here. To request contact details for the network, please contact

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New mental health guidelines from WHO

The World Health Organisation (WHO) published new guidelines on mental health at work in September 2022 – including a strong recommendation for mental health training for managers.

The guidelines highlight the following key points for organisations

  • Prevent work-related mental health conditions through psychosocial risk management which includes using organisational interventions to reshape working conditions, cultures and relationships.
  • Protect and promote mental health at work, especially through training and interventions that improve mental health literacy, strengthen skills to recognise and act on mental health conditions at work, and empower workers to seek support.
  • Support workers with mental health conditions to participate fully and equitably in work through reasonable accommodations, return-to-work programmes and supported employment initiatives.
  • Create an enabling environment with cross-cutting actions to improve mental health at work through leadership, investment, rights, integration, participation, evidence and compliance.

Read more here.

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Ukraine TRiM training

We were proud to support the Ukraine military with bespoke TRiM training for a team of their medical personnel at no cost, earlier this year. As well as providing in depth TRiM training we also ensured they were equipped to be able to roll out TRiM training more widely and supplied materials in support.

Professor Neil Greenberg and March on Stress Operations Director Gavin Rogers worked closely with a Ukraine military representative to implement the training, who said: “Huge thanks to Gavin for a detailed, tactful, and very thorough presentation of a rather complex material! Huge thanks to Neil for this opportunity - we really hope to implement your methodology in the armed forces of Ukraine and confirm its effectiveness! Thanks a lot all in team March on Stress!”

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TRiM and trauma responses

The Operations team have had a busy year in terms of TRiM responses, supporting a range of existing and new clients following serious incidents at work where colleagues have been harmed. We can support TRiM teams in handling a response, or for organisations yet to establish TRiM we can deliver a full response and advise on next steps to ensure in-house capability for potential future incidents.

For more details please contact us at

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Old favourites and new offerings

We continue to provide active listening skills training to a range of organisations through our REACTMH® training options. It’s also been great to hear of the training being utilised in organisations that have trained their own REACTMH trainers with us. Rolling out this training widely to supervisors, line managers and team leaders is a really positive step, ensuring wide coverage of this important skills training.

In addition to well established courses like REACTMH, TRiM and StRaW, 2022 has also seen March on Stress develop other, evidence-based offerings, like a new, healthcare specific Breaking Bad News workshop, a day-long workshop that combines both REACTMH and Reflective Practice and an enhanced coping skills workshop that encourages self-help rather than support of others.

For information about any of this training, contact us at

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Ops Manager at state funeral

Everyone at March on Stress was extremely proud of team member Zoé Brooke for her voluntary role at the state funeral, following the sad passing of Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II.

A few of the March on Stress team had ceremonial and security roles, including Zoé, the March on Stress Operations Manager.

Zoé is a member of FANY(PRVC) (First Aid Nursing Yeomanry (Princess Royal’s Volunteer Corps)). She volunteers her time on a regular basis and was chosen as one of only eight FANY members to usher at Westminster Abbey, welcoming members of the public and heads of state alike to the service, a real testament to her abilities to be selected for such a significant role.

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Clinical update Vetlife Health Support

We have continued to work with a number of television production companies this year, both pre-production and on occasion during production, to support their teams and contributors. Our support in this field includes enhanced coping skills – teaching people self-help methods and tools as well as providing psychological monitoring and clinical assessments when required.

We also continue to provide a mental health support service to Vetlife - the charity providing valuable support services to the veterinary community and are delighted that Dr Rosie Allister – who manages the Vetlife helpline – will be one of the expert speakers at the March on Stress conference on 28th February 2023.

Rosie is vastly experienced in supporting wellbeing at work and has published papers and spoken internationally on the subject.

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PTSD and what to do about it

A really useful and interesting talk given by March on Stress Director, Professor Neil Greenberg, about Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) is available to view online at Vimeo here.

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Managing traumatic stress in organisations

Professor Greenberg also gave a talk on managing traumatic stress in organisations at a conference for the Netherlands Association of Psychiatry in May 2022.

The talk covers a host of useful and evidence-based information and the full presentation is available to watch or listen to on youtube here.

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‘It hurts your heart’ – experiences of moral injury

New research into moral injury has been published in the past year, including a paper from the NHS Check team, outlining the experiences of moral injury for frontline healthcare during the COVID-19 pandemic.

The paper explains that during the COVID-19 pandemic, increased exposure to Potentially Morally Injurious Events (PMIEs) has placed healthcare workers (HCWs) at risk of moral injury. Yet little is known about the lived experience of cumulative PMIE exposure and how NHS staff respond to this.

The team behind the paper said “We sought to rectify this knowledge gap by qualitatively exploring the lived experiences and perspectives of clinical frontline NHS staff who responded to COVID-19.”

Read more here.

A second study looked at the experiences of veterinary professionals. This study provides some of the first evidence that veterinary professionals may be vulnerable to moral injury and illustrates the impact that potentially morally injurious events may have on their wellbeing. Read more here.

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Upcoming courses

Dates for our regular ‘all comers’ course dates can be found on the March on Stress website here.

We run StRaW® and TRiM all comers courses every few months, and these are an excellent option if you are looking to train just one or two people at a time. For more information, please get in touch.

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Welcome to the team

We have seen a couple of changes in the team this year, with Alex Gibson moving onto pastures new while still working closely with us as a clinical associate.

We have welcomed new Clinical Services Manager Darren Smith and Clinical Administrator Julia Mouland. Julia will soon be taking on a March on Stress-wide administration and projects co-ordination role.

We also welcomed back our clinician Kim Mulley from maternity leave.

You can find out more about the March on Stress team here.

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Christmas and New Year office hours

Please note, we will operate with reduced staffing between Friday 23rd December and Tuesday 3rd January 2023, with the office closed on the bank holidays. If you need us during the festive period, please email and, while responses may be a little more delayed than usual, we will get back to you as soon as possible.

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Page Loaded Date/Time : 2024-10-21 23:20:55

Keywords : Breaking Bad News, TRiM UK Courses, TRiM Workplace Monitoring, TRiM Education

Description : March on Stress provide psychological counselling, ability to understand PTSD, and Trauma Management (TRiM)