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March on Stress News

MOS conference - three weeks to go!

Added on the 8th February 2023

With just under three weeks to go until the next March on Stress conference ‘Changing Landscapes: Mental Health at Work’ – we are delighted to release the full details of speakers and session titles*.

The event includes a range of expert speakers and topics about mental health at work, with a focus on how the current climate and new learning and research is shaping how we best support people in the workplace.

Taking place on 28th February 2023, at 10 Union Street, near London Bridge, the day will begin with registration at 0900 for an 0930 start. We then look forward to welcoming…

  • Dr Shriti Pattani, President of Society of Occupational Medicine - The role of occupational health in managing mental health within organisations.
  • Ryan Bradshaw, Senior Associate Solicitor, Leigh Day - What employment law says about mental health at work.
  • Professor Neil Greenberg, Director, March on Stress - WHO mental health guidelines & psychologically informed conversations.
  • David Trickey, Consultant Clinical Psychologist, Co-Director of the UK Trauma Council - Traumatic stress exposure for children; what does it do and what to do about it.
  • Major Amos Simms, Head of the Academic Department of Military Mental Health, King’s College London - Icover – an intervention to manage acute stress in highly challenging environments.
  • Professor Dominic Murphy, Head of Research, Combat Stress & Clinical Director, King's Centre for Military Health Research, King's College London - Moral Injury in organisational settings.
  • Dr Rosie Allister, Manager, Vetlife Helpline - Suicide postvention: what can we learn from providing support after suicide in veterinary workplaces.
  • Moya Flaherty, Staff Support Lead, Northampton General Hospital - Trauma and occupational mental health support in the NHS.
  • Darren Smith, Clinical Services Manager, March on Stress - Reality TV: switching on to mental health support.
  • Kevin Instance, Volunteer TRiM Manager, RNLI - Providing a helping hand to those saving lives at sea.

The event is nearly sold out, with final places available to book online here.

March on Stress Business Development Director, Georgina Godden, said: “On the twentieth anniversary of March on Stress, we are delighted to hold our next conference.

“We are really looking forward to a fantastic day of shared learning from a line-up of experts, and being in the same room as so many like minded individuals and organisations who care as much as we do about supporting people in the workplace.”

For booking queries, please contact

*Please note, the programme outlined is confirmed but does remain subject to change.

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Keywords : PTSD Recruitment Checks, TRiM BTEC Course, TRiM Workplace Monitoring, Advanced Mentoring Skills

Description : March On Stress, a UK company providing psychological support, TRiM courses and TRiM BTEC